Understanding Lipoma: Causes, Risks, and Natural Home Lipoma Treatments

Understanding Lipoma: Causes, Risks, and Natural Home Lipoma Treatments

We are cutting-edge medical professionals who have been studying lipoma and its effects on people for a long time. We care about seeing the millions of affected people eliminate and recover from lipomas. We’ve gathered all of the information here to give you everything you need to do just that.

Read on to discover the essential facts and treatment options for lipoma. 

How lipoma manifests itself and the symptoms it causes:

Lipomas are a lump of fatty tissue that grows slowly directly beneath your skin and above your muscles. They are rarely cancerous and often cause little to no symptoms, though they can be uncomfortable or painful if they hit a nerve as they grow. 

They’re prevalent medical issues; 1 in every 1,000 people will deal with at least one lipoma, and 20% of those people will experience multiple lipoma growths throughout their lives. Most lipomas are between 2-8 inches in diameter and move beneath the surface of your skin as you apply pressure. 

What causes a lipoma? 

There is no consensus in the medical community as to why lipomas occur, though it is common for those who are between the ages of 40-60 to develop them. Some theories as to lipomas develop are obesity, high cholesterol, liver disease, or glucose intolerance. There is not enough evidence to support any singular thesis and draw a conclusion, but lipomas are incredibly common. Millions of people suffer from lipomas all over their bodies. However, they are commonly seen on the shoulders, neck, torso, and armpits. 

Treatment options: 

There are surgical procedures available, but since there are no viable medical threats from lipomas, those surgeries are often wastes of time, money, and energy. You also run the risks of scars, infections, and buildups of fluid. 

Instead, you can turn to homeopathic and any lipoma natural treatment available to alleviate your lipoma growth. These methods are much more accessible and affordable than medical intervention and painless to use. 

We recommend using the Lipoma Wand as a natural treatment for lipoma. This revolutionary device is the first of its kind. It utilizes state of the art infrared and ultrasound technology to reduce and eliminate your lipoma from home. No surgery, no scars, no expensive doctor bills – just convenience and results. The process of Lipoma removal is so simple; anyone can do it. Just apply the Lipolysis jelly to the lipoma, turn on and rub the lipoma wand over the infected area, and wait at least 20 minutes. Results start to show in as little as 30 minutes. 

You can use the Lipoma Wand in conjunction with other natural remedies. However, they are not necessary to see clear results. Some secondary natural treatments for fatty lumps removals include turmeric ointments, sage and flaxseed oil mixes, and chickweed and tea-based salves. All of these can be used at home alongside your Lipoma Wand. 

We are here to help you feel like the most confident version of yourself.

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