What Do I Do if I Have a Lipoma?

What Do I Do if I Have a Lipoma?

If you have developed a lipoma on your body, there is no need to panic. A lipoma is a build-up of fatty tissue just under the skin. The adipose tissue will develop into a lump that is doughy to the touch, and unless it is impeding a nerve, it is entirely painless. Before you even ask, no, the node is not cancerous; it is entirely benign.

Lipomas are quite common, with one in every thousand people developing at least one lipoma in their lifetime. Lipomas are left untreated in most instances, and this is because they don’t pose any threat to the patient. In sporadic cases in which a lipoma is painful, it is usually due to it being too close to a nerve or tendon.

What Causes Lipomas to Develop?

There is no confirmed cause of lipomas. What we do know is that they are connected to genetics. The condition is passed down from generation to generation. Lipomas are also more common in people who are obese. The excess fat is what causes the lumps to develop. An injury may also be a cause of a lipoma, and this is not confirmed.

Lipomas are more common in people between 40 and 60. Those who suffer from any of the following ailments are also more likely to develop a lipoma:

  • Cowden Syndrome
  • Madelung’s Disease
  • Gardner’s Syndrome
  • Adiposa Dolorosa
  • Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome

How are Lipomas Diagnosed?

Lipomas are typically identified during a physical examination. The doctor can verify that a lipoma is present if it moves when touched, the bump is soft to the touch, and the patient feels no pain.

When the patient is insistent, a dermatologist may perform a biopsy on the lipoma. This test is used to rule out liposarcoma. Unlike a lipoma, liposarcoma is malignant or even cancerous. If that turns out to be the case, then an MRI or CT scan may be required.

How to Treat Lipomas

In most cases, the lipoma is just left alone. As they are not painful and are benign, they pose the patient no cause for concern. If the patient is insistent upon a treatment, usually because they are embarrassed, the doctor will remove the lipoma.

Here are the most common ways to remove a lipoma:

Surgery: A surgeon may remove the lipoma in one of two ways. Firstly they will cut the entire lipomas out of the body and stitch it shut. The other surgical lipoma removal procedure involves a small incision being made and then the lipoma being squeezed out and the cut sewn closed.

Liposuction: Lipoma removal through liposuction involved a tubular needle being inserted directly into the fatty tissue. The fat is then vacuumed out; the area is numbed before treatment begins.

Steroid injection: Steroid injections can be used in some cases to treat lipomas. The lipoma is injected with a steroid directly to reduce its size. This will not remove the lipoma entirely, so it is not used very often.

If none of these treatments or lipoma removal options are appealing, then the Lipoma wand is the best way to go. Jeremy Madvin says it best, “why go under the knife when you can possible reduce the lump yourself non-invasively?” The Lipoma wand available from the shop on this site is proven to reduce the size of a lipoma after only one use. What’s even better is you won’t have any side effects to deal with, unlike other procedures. To further enhance the Lipoma wand’s effectiveness, it should be used with the Lipolysis jelly. The jelly is self-heating and conductive, so it will help speed up the removal process.

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