What You Should Know About the Lump on Your Body?
It may be offensive and depressing if you spot a lump on your body that was not previously recognized. This can be Lipoma! The good thing is that the lumps are often harmless and non-cancerous.
Often noticed in the middle-age, a Lipoma is a common fatty lump that can occur anywhere on the body, though neck, upper thighs, shoulders, arms, forehead are some typical spots claimed by the patients. They are generally not painful and wouldn’t cause any problems. Thus, no need for Lipoma removal is required. In addition to knowing the aspects of Lipoma, it is also essential to clarify if they are symbolic of a more serious health issue.
Look & Feel of Lipoma
Generally having soft & doughy consistency, lipomas are not supple when touched. They are found between the skin and underlying muscle and are simply termed as the growth of fatty tissue. Having a small size and slow growth, you can move it easily with slight finger pressure. In most cases, the patients couldn’t able to discover it for longer periods due to its harmless nature. When they are addressed are after reaching a size making their appearance noticeable or irritable. This still doesn’t signify the treatment need.
The need for Lipoma Removals
People are curious to know if Lipoma treatment is required and this is based on cosmetic considerations or if the fatty lump is pressing the nearby nerve, resulting in pain or irritation. As it does not tend to be cancerous, these soft tissue tumors can be left alone.
In rare cases, Lipoma starts growing at a faster rate and may cause an increased level of pain to the patients. To confirm if Lipoma is cancerous, you need to go for an ultrasound or other forms of imaging test as well as a biopsy to get the solution.
Causes of Lipoma
The presence of Lipoma is associated either with genetic factors or any physical trauma the patient may have undergone. People who have certain genetic disorders like Gardner’s syndrome, Cowden syndrome, adiposis dolorosa are believed to be more prone to the condition. Also, people of age between 40-60 years have a high probability of getting fatty lumps.
Symptoms of Lipoma
Though there are many types of skin tumor that resembles Lipoma, some distinct features help to identify its existence:
- It has pale skin over it
- Movable with slight finger pressure
- Soft & doughy to touch
Health Risk Factors
A lipoma is studied and believed to be a benign and non-cancerous tumor, there is a contradiction in its non-cancerous structure. It is concluded that different types of tumors develop from Lipoma and are cancerous. According to some other experts, Lipoma contains both cancerous and non-cancerous cells but there are a few chances of it becoming cancerous.
Why Lipoma Causes Pain?
Despite the non-cancerous growth, patients can feel due to the fatty lumps. This is because when Lipoma grows, the surrounding nerves feel the pressure. This pressure can be listed as pain due to the closeness with pain nerves. Lipoma can even become inflamed in some cases causing local swelling and irritation.
What is the possibility of having more than one Lipoma?
Whether you are aware or not, there are cases of people suffering from more than one Lipoma resulting in pain and irritation. It this advised to go for Lipoma removals when the tumors are small.
Patients are advised to consult the health professional in case the growing fatty tumor is causing pain or irritation or is merely giving an ugly look to you.
Lipoma Treatment
The ugly fatty lumps get removed either by surgery or non-surgical approaches, depending on the severity of symptoms. There is Liposuction, surgery, and other procedures for lipoma removal at home easily.
Surgery is a common and most suggested procedure to get rid of fatty lumps. Though the process is not that complicated, the risk factors can’t be overlooked. A patient may have to bear the pain and sufferings, infection risks, blood loss while undergoing surgery.
Is There Any Lipoma Natural Treatment Available?
Surgery is not for everyone!
Now after you have known the risk factors associated with the surgery, you would want to know the other process for fatty lumps removals that not only provides a safe cure but also assures the removal of lumps from the body. Moreover, patients with mild cases need not go for surgery. They can instead for home remedies that are proven to cure the condition.
The options that stand for home remedies are simply related to the diet and lifestyle changes along with some herbs and ointments that are easy to get. Have a look!
- Since the growth of Lipoma is related to fat cells, a person needs to cut down the intake of fat from the diet. Take a healthy and well-balanced diet not only keeps you fit but also particularly beneficial for Lipoma patients to reduce fatty tumor growth.
- Make some lifestyle changes and add a touch of sufficient exercise routine into daily life. How it will help is by improving the blood circulation and reducing the size of existing lumps.
- There are herbal remedies that burn the fat and help to get rid of Lipoma. You can apply castor oil, flaxseed oil over the affected area to maintain the development of fatty lumps.
- Turmeric powder, lemon juice, chickweed, olive oil, green tea also impacts the fatty lumps and work as a natural treatment for lipoma.
Lipoma Wand
There is a new natural approach introduced offering a safe and painless cure to get rid of fatty lumps. Lipoma Wand is of its kind portable device that follows a completely natural approach to diffuse the fatty tissues. A perfect home cure that is easy to use, incorporates ultrasound and far-infrared heat frequency within a short treatment session.
Is it a worth-buy? Of course, Lipoma Wand is aimed to deliver a scar-free treatment unlike surgery, which can be even reused for multiple Lipoma. Shop the device online for Lipoma removal without surgery with quick results.