Learn about Lipoma and Options for Lipoma Treatment

Learn about Lipoma and Options for Lipoma Treatment

If you have found a gentle tumor over any area of your body, it is a matter of concern if it is a form of any cancer form. The good news, it gets diagnosed as Lipoma which is a non-cancerous benign form of a fatty lump. Nonetheless, they resemble a type of cancerous tumor. That is why it becomes essential to consult a doctor if there is a need for fatty lumps removals or not.

Generally, a dermatologist is a person who treats Lipoma or other common skin conditions. Before heading to the treatment section, here are some of the common questions asked by the patients who got one or more fatty lumps in their lifetime.

Common Questions Asked About Lipoma 

  1. What are the Symptoms of Lipoma? What are the Common Areas? 

Lipoma maybe gets noticed just under the skin of a person. The symptoms of fatty lumps include the following:

  • Small size – The fatty lumps are small in size, less than 2 inches, and have slow growth. In some of the rare cases, the size grows larger than the usual one
  • Easy to move – The fatty lumps lying between the skin and underlying muscle layer can be moved with a slight finger pressure
  • Structure – You will find the fatty lump soft & rubbery when touched
  • Painless – Lipoma does not cause any pain to a person, on a general note. The larger Lipoma may press into the enclosing nerves and can result in pain.

The growth of Lipoma lies under the skin. But the occurrence can be seen almost anywhere on the body, including muscles and internal organs. The common areas are:

  • Neck
  • Shoulder
  • Armpit
  • Torso

A person may also have more than one Lipoma in their lifetime. A lipoma is classified as a non-cancerous soft-tissue growth.

  1. What are the Risk Factors?

What actually causes Lipoma is not known. But the risk factors that contribute to its probability can be considered and prevented.

You are more prone to the condition if:

  • Age – Lipoma can be developed to anybody, middle-aged people are more prone to the condition.
  • Genetic – If you have a family history of Lipoma, the risk of having Lipoma gets increased
  • Medical conditions – People who have certain disorders like Gardner’s syndrome or adiposis dolorosa are at high risk of developing multiple Lipoma
  • Injury – Any minor physical trauma may trigger the growth of a fatty lump in that area

Since Lipoma is a non-cancerous growth of fatty tumors, they resemble a rare type of cancerous fatty tumor. You need to get it examined by the doctor if it is any suspicious growth is found. The condition will be analyzed and Lipoma Treatment is suggested on the basis of symptoms.

How Lipoma gets Diagnosed?

Lipoma gets diagnosed with a physical exam by the doctor. Additional testing is required if:

  • Lipoma have larger growth than usual
  • A fatty lump is located somewhere under the skin
  • The fatty lump is painful
  • The lump get suspected of liposarcoma

Several other tests may also get conducted to diagnose the condition:

  • Biopsy
  • CT scan
  • MRI scan
  • Ultrasound
  • Other imaging tests

If the tests are diagnosed with Lipoma, your doctor will suggest if the treatment for Lipoma is necessary. You may also need to refer a dermatologist for more clearance.

What are the Options for Cure? 

Generally, it is not required. You only need to go for the cure if the fatty tumor:

  • Starts fretting you
  • Grow larger and fast
  • Have a noticeable location
  • Infected or painful

Depending on the specific case, the doctor will suggest you best treatment for Lipoma to get rid of it. You may come across the following choices:

  • Surgery – The fatty lumps get removed through an outpatient procedure. In the surgical procedure, an incision is made in the skin by the doctor and the fatty tumor is cut out
  • Liposuction – Alike surgery, this procedure involves making a small incision in the skin and using a hollow tube to void out the fatty tumor
  • Steroid Injections – Apart from the surgery process, a steroid injection may also get recommended by the health professional. However, this will only shrink the size but not reduce it completely
  • Home Remedies – It is also proven that some common home remedies help to cure the fatty lump and patients are advised to give them a try. Turmeric, chickweed, flaxseed, natural ointments are also beneficial to get rid of ugly fatty lumps

There is a new natural approach introduced as the home cure that delivers guaranteed results to the patients. Lipoma Wand is the new cure for lipoma removal without surgery that is super easy to use, safely removes fatty lumps, and can be reused too.

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